Tonight's girls basketball game at Monmouth is postponed. No make up date has been established at this time.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
Working of trying to figure out how to live stream the boys basketball game. If I get some information I will post it.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
To watch the girls basketball game at Oak Hill tonight, please use the following link: Game time is 6:30.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
A reminder that the Girls Basketball team has a home game tonight v. Spruce Mountain. Game time is 6:00. All spectators must wear a mask at all times and no food are drink are allowed in the gym.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
Tonight's basketball games at Boothbay v. Dirigo have been postponed.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
For the boys games at Winthrop on Dec. 22nd, visiting fans may attend by reserving a ticket. There are only 300 available and it is first come, first serve. The website is:
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
The girls basketball game at Buckfield tomorrow (12/18), has been postponed.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
Away fans are not able to attend the away basketball games tomorrow. They can be viewed using the following links: Girls Varsity @ Buckfield, 10:00 am start (this is a paid subscription site) Boys Varsity @ Wiscasset, 11:00 am start
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
Tonight's girls basketball game at Madison can be viewed using the following link: There is a monthly membership fee associated with this website, but can be used for any MVC games that are broadcast by NFHS. Away fans are not allowed to attend in person.
about 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
BRHS Fall Open House - Reimagined for 2021 - A Virtual Event * Teacher and Staff Introductions* Individual Course Content Overviews* Tour of Boothbay Region High School
over 3 years ago, Abby Manahan
For anyone that is trying to call the high school, we recently discovered that the phone number that comes up when using Google is incorrect. We are working to fix this but it will take a few day. If you would like to call the High School main office, the phone number is (207)633-2421
over 3 years ago, Allan Crocker
Parents Who Are Considering Homeschooling Should Read This Information from the Maine DOE -
over 4 years ago, Dr. Laser, AOS 98 Superintendent
We have superb resources available for how to improve the efficacy of remote learning and also information on help available to you during the COVID 19 pandemic. Please check the AOS 98 website for more information.
almost 5 years ago, Dr. Laser, AOS 98 Superintendent