BRHS Remote Learning Plan

Boothbay Region High School 💙 Distance Learning Plan

* There is no Bath Voc for BRHS students 12/21 - 12/22/21. Students should check their Bath Voc emails. Thank you.

Distance Learning:
When events beyond our control force a closure of the school, Distance Learning allows for continuity of instruction and continued learning. Distance Learning allows students to access learning remotely.

School Closure and Distance Learning Announcements
· When a closure is made, the announcement will indicate whether the intention is for it to be a Distance Learning Day.
· Distance Learning days will count as student contact days; students are simply learning in a different location.
· Students will be expected to attend and participate in remote learning for the classes that would have taken place in school on that day following their regular Blue/Gold Schedule.


Parents are asked to continue to communicate about student attendance / absences. This will allow us to continue to track community health patterns, and provide a range of support for students and families as needed.
Please call the BRHS office 207 633 2421 or email

*Teachers will take attendance at the start of each period. The office will contact parents of students marked absent if a parent has not notified the school of their absence.

Framework -
Learning Plan is Synchronous:
For High School: all classroom management and communication regarding remote learning will take place through Google Classroom. All students have access to each of their classes in Goggle.

All students will follow their regular classroom schedule. Example: Academy Period courses start at 7:45 am. Period One: 8:50 am.

*Tuesday 12/21 is a BLUE DAY. Wednesday 12/22/21 is a GOLD DAY.

Teachers and support staff will be available to provide support, answer emails and provide feedback following regular BRHS Blue/Gold schedules during school hours 8 am - 2:30 pm.
We encourage students or families to reach out via email with questions.

Support specialists: Special Educators, RTI Teachers, ELL Teachers will also be reaching out to students using Goggle Classroom and email. Specialists may set up individualized learning and online video conferencing to provide support.

Scheduled Meetings (IEP, 504, etc.):
Scheduled IEP meetings, 504 meetings, and other parent meetings as scheduled via Google Meet, Zoom.

Expectations for Students:
Students are expected to participate in all scheduled Distance Learning classes. We strive to both maintain continuity and further learning.

If you are having difficulty with connectivity or technology please contact the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD Tech Team at or call the school and we can connect you with a member of the Tech Team. 207 633 2421.

Student & Family Support:

For any general concerns, difficulties accessing materials or understanding learning plans, please reach out to the classroom teacher.

Special Educators, RTI Teachers, and ELL Specialists will be working closely with classroom teachers to support learning needs of individual students. They may also provide individualized instruction as appropriate. Please reach out to specialists as needed.

Counselors, Social Workers, and Behavioral Strategists will be available to support students and families via email or Google Meet, Zoom. Students and families are encouraged to reach out as needed.

If a student is struggling to engage with online learning, and not marked as absent, teachers will reach out to parents and counselors to determine best steps to support individual students.

Should your child experience a mental health crisis while the schools are temporarily closed, we encourage you to utilize the following community resources:

Maine Crisis Hotline - 1-888-568-1112
CRISIS Text Line - 741-741
Call 911 or go directly to your local Emergency Room

Student Services Team Support Contact Information:
(These email addresses are not to be used in place of crisis and are not monitored daily)

Social Worker
Tammy Blackman
Behavior Specialist
Kate Hossler
Kate Schwehm
Leanne Burnham

Technical Requirements and Assistance

Students will need access to a reliable internet-connected computer. Students who do not have their own device or access to a computer, or who are unable to access the internet, should contact the teacher and principal to make appropriate arrangements.

For help with classwork, students/parents should contact teachers through email.

For technical assistance such as broken computers, emails can be sent to:

ES: Zach Gray:
HS: Abby Manahan:
AOS 98: Brynne Roseberry:

Tuesday 12/21 is a BLUE DAY.
Wednesday 12/22/21 is a GOLD DAY