
December 20, 2021

RE: Boothbay Regional High School switch to remote instruction Dec 21, 22

Dear Boothbay Region High School, Students and Families,

In monitoring the increasing number of absences at Boothbay Regional High School, some due to COVID-19 others not, accompanying temporary staffing shortages related to transportation, and consultation with the administration I have decided that BRHS will switch to remote instruction for the remainder of this week.  (December 21-22).   Principal Campbell will contact you with more specific information on remote instruction.  Staff members will be at work this week teaching remotely should you do need to reach them.  Bath Voc students will not have class. 

We are also in the process of implementing voluntary pooled testing which is another powerful tool and layer of protection for students and staff regardless of vaccination status.  More information and permission slips regarding this process will be out shortly if you have not already received this.  This is a powerful mitigation strategy which should help minimize disruptions to in person learning. 

The importance of at home symptom checks cannot be overstated.  If you or your child are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 please remain home, contact the school, and call your primary care physician for further advice on how to proceed.  We know how challenging this struggle with COVID-19 has been and continues to be but we will get through this by continuing to work closely together.  If you have questions for the school you may contact Principal Campbell at 633-2421 and you are welcome to contact me directly at 633-2874 should you have any questions about the district response to COVID-19.  I’ve included general information provided by the CDC on the next page. Other resources for parents and staff include:

General COVID-19 questions: dial 211 (or 1-866-811-5695).  You can also text your zip code to 898-211 or email  More information can also be found at or  Please know that student and staff safety remain our top priority and that we will keep you informed out of an abundance of caution regarding COVID-19 and its impact on our school community. 

Thank you all so very much for your continued patience and cooperation as we continue to navigate through this everchanging landscape of teaching and learning in the age of COVID-19.


Robert Kahler,

Superintendent of Schools

From the Maine CDC:

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that ranges from mild to severe. It can be more severe in adults 60 years and older and in those with underlying conditions. The virus mainly spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes and an uninfected person breathes in the virus. Signs and symptoms include:

• fever or chills                                                                                                 • sore throat

• cough                                                                                                                                • congestion or runny nose

• shortness of breath or difficulty breathing                                        • nausea or vomiting                                     

• fatigue                                                                                                              • diarrhea

• muscle or body aches                                                                                                 • confusion

• headache                                                                                                        • pressure or pain in the chest

• new loss of taste or smell                                                                         • blue/gray-tinged skin/lips/nail beds •Inability to wake or stay awake

Please keep in mind that many things can cause respiratory illness, so students and staff should be up-to-date on influenza and routine vaccinations.

Maine DOE or a school representative will contact you directly if you are identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive. Close contacts who are unvaccinated and not a pooled testing participant will be asked to quarantine from school for 10-full-days from last exposure to the positive individual. All unvaccinated close contacts will be asked to quarantine from non-school activities as well.   A negative test result does not get an individual out of quarantine (More information to come regarding those who elect to be involved in pooled testing).

Maine CDC recommends prevention measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These measures include proper handwashing with soap and warm water, which is especially important after using the bathroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. When soap and water is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home while you are sick and avoid close contact with others. Wear a cloth face covering in public indoor spaces, especially if you are not vaccinated. Cloth face coverings are recommended in schools and childcare settings for people over 5 years of age. Get a COVID-19 vaccine when it is available to you. When in public, avoid social distances of less than 6 feet and direct physical contact.