Greetings BRHS Parent/Guardian(s):
Welcome BRHS Family to the 2021-2022 school year! Students across the globe continue to return to school in a variety of formats –in-person, online, or somewhere in between. As a school system we have determined that we will be reopening our schools in-person following the Maine Department of Education and CDC guidelines as directed by the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor School Board. We have remained focused on moving forward and continuing to ready our schools for all students. While these continue to be challenging times we remain committed to our students, staff and families.
As we prepare for students to return to in-person learning at BRHS on September 8th (Freshman Orientation September 7th), we wanted to share reminders and updates. Students will have access to lockers and they will receive their locker numbers in the homeroom on their first day. The water fountains are closed but the individual water bottle fill stations are available for student use. If you were unable to complete the start of the year paperwork during student device-pickups, they will be sent home with your student. Please help by completing each of the forms as requested (updated health forms, emergency contacts, etc.) and returning them to the BRHS office. Friday, September 17, 2021 is the last add/drop day for any changes to student 2021 -2022 academic schedules. All students and staff are required to wear masks. Bandanas, gators, and vented masks are not acceptable alternatives. Masks should be secured with ties or ear loops and fit snugly against the side of the face. The school will have masks for any student that does not have one. Parents will conduct individual health screenings with each student before they get on the school bus or arrive at school.
Freshman Orientation is September 7th and BRHS 10th - 12th grade 1st day of school is Wednesday, September 8th. Wednesday, September 8th will follow a regular Wednesday Schedule with students being dismissed from BRHS at 1:30 pm. School opens at 7:30 Monday through Friday. Period A (Band, Chorus, Academic supports and Enrichment opportunities) is 7:45 - 8:50. We will continue to provide updates as programming is offered. ALL BRHS students must be at school and in Block One (First Period) at 8:50 am daily. Boothbay- Boothbay Harbor Transportation provides (2) am bus runs for a 7:30 arrival time and an approximate 8:45 arrival time. BRHS students requiring transportation to Bath Voc must arrive on the 7:30 am/early bus. There is one afternoon bus run M/T/Th/F at 2:30 and a BRHS pm bus run at 1:30 on Wednesdays (Masks must be worn in the school buildings and on the buses).
We understand, like with anything new, there will be a transition period. Please continue to reach out and ask questions. If we do not know the answer, we will find the answer for you. I am grateful to all who have been working so hard to prepare and be ready for our students' return to campus. As always, the health and safety of our students, staff and entire community are paramount.
As a school leader and parent, I am feeling both excited and hopeful as we open our schools. I remind myself that our children are resilient and that as a parent you are stronger than you know. At BRHS supporting our students, each other and the community we can start the 2021-2022 school year with pride and confidence in the knowledge that we can do this - together!
I thank you for your continued support,
Tricia Campbell
Principal, Boothbay Region High School