*BRHS 10th - 12th grade 1st day of school is Wednesday, September 8th.
*Wednesday, September 8th will follow a regular Wednesday Schedule with students being dismissed from BRHS at 1:30 pm.
*School opens at 7:30 Monday through Friday. Period A (Band, Chorus, Academic supports and Enrichment opportunities) is 7:45 - 8:50.
*ALL BRHS students must be at school and in Block One (First Period) at 8:50 am daily.
Boothbay- Boothbay Harbor Transportation provides (2) am bus runs for a 7:30 arrival time and an approximate 8:45 arrival time. BRHS students requiring transportation to Bath Voc must arrive at on the 7:30 arrival bus. There is one pm bus run M/T/Th/F at 2:30 and a BRHS pm bus run at 1:30 on Wednesdays.
*Reminder that masks must be worn in the school buildings.
Please contact the school with any questions. 207. 633. 2421.
Thank you!
Freshman Orientation : September 7th