BRHS Student Drop-off/Pick Up and Student Parking 2021-2022
*High School Student Drop-off will be located at the circle in front of the High School Please enter the circle and drop-off your students.
*Please be mindful as school buses use the road in front of the High school to drop-off and access the Elementary school.
*If you are dropping off both a High school student and an Elementary school student please drop -off your high schooler first then proceed to the Elementary school drop-off line.
*Student parking will be located in the lower parking lot in front of fields, near community basketball court.
*In the event that the parking lot is full we have over flow parking located at the elementary school lower lot. We have also added 8 parking spots on campus in the field next to the tennis court.
Please make sure you are parking in a marked parking spot.
If you are found to be parking in places that are not designated as parking spots (sidewalks and green-spaces) you will receive a warning, if you are found again you will be told you are not able to park on the campus.
~ Parking and driving on campus is a privilege and if you are found to be driving unsafe you will lose those privileges. ~
Kyle Canada
Security, Safety and Transportation Director
Boothbay - Boothbay Harbor CSD