The following section outlines precautions that we will be taking to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 at BRES & BRHS. These precautions are in line with current CDC recommendations.
Mask Wearing — To begin the 2021-2022 year, we are requiring all staff and students to wear masks while indoors, regardless of vaccination status. Masks will also be required while students and staff are riding school buses. Masks will be optional for students and staff when they are outdoors. CDC guidance on appropriate masks can be found here.
Physical Distancing — Physical distancing (3 ft. minimum within the classroom) will be utilized and encouraged whenever feasible.
Cleaning and Sanitizing — We will continue regular cleaning and sanitizing of high touch areas. Shared classroom materials, including desks will be cleaned as needed.
Pool Testing — We are currently looking into pooled testing as another strategy in our COVID-19 precaution plan. Pooled testing includes students and staff that are enrolled being tested for COVID-19 once a week. Those enrolled in the pooled testing would not have to quarantine from school, sports, or other school related activities even if they are identified as a close contact. Be on the lookout for more information on this early in the school year.
BiNax Now/Rapid Antigen Testing — BRES & BRHS health staff will be utilizing Rapid Antigen COVID-19 tests for students with consent from a parent/guardian. Scenarios where we would consider utilizing these tests would include students with symptoms consistent COVID-19 at school or students who are identified as a close contact of a confirmed positive case in our schools. These tests provide us with quick information about potential cases of COVID-19 in our school and help determine our next steps.
Quarantining and Close Contacts of Positive Cases — In the event of a positive case of COVID-19 at BRES & BRHS, close contacts of the positive case will be required to quarantine for 10 calendar days. A close contact is still defined as within 6 feet for 15 min and anyone regardless of vaccination, mask, pooled testing etc. will need to be notified if they have been in contact with a positive case.
The following are exceptions to quarantine requirements:
Fully vaccinated students/staff.
*People who have had a positive COVID test within 90 days.
*Students do not need to quarantine from the school day if exposed in a classroom setting where they are at least 3 feet apart while masked.
*If identified as a close contact on the bus, at recess, in sports, lunch etc. students will still need to quarantine.
*They also need to quarantine from sports/school activities and any outside of school activities.
Visitors and Volunteers — To begin the 21/22 school year, we will continue the policy from last year of not allowing visitors and volunteers to enter the building. We hope to welcome volunteers, visitors, guest speakers, etc. in the future. We will revisit this regularly and update our school community with any changes.
Daily Symptom Screening — For the 2021-2022 school year, we will not be utilizing the Ruvna daily screening app that we used last year. We are asking that parents/guardians continue to monitor and screen students for COVID symptoms on a daily basis prior to sending students to school
Thank you for your ongoing cooperation and support!