A Letter from BRHS Principal Tricia Campbell

Greetings BRHS Parents/Guardian(s), Staff and Students:

Traditionally, the winter months bring with them an increased struggle to stay motivated. Add to that a global pandemic and it is understandable that many are feeling tapped out. While our strength and resilience have been tested, Boothaby Region High School staff and students continue to demonstrate that ordinary things can be done extraordinarily well when we collaborate, communicate and come together demonstrating patience, understanding and commitment to excellence. Words cannot express how proud I am of our small but mighty school!

Smaller class sizes and student to teacher ratio (12:1) are strong assets for BRHS. Smaller class size encourages greater intellectual risk taking and motivates students to push themselves while inspiring others. More intimate class sizes provide a platform for a student to develop a more confident voice. The talented, master teachers at BRHS offer a strong liberal arts education while providing the opportunity for individual pathways into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math), as well as access to investigate and participate in vocational studies and programs, and/or a deeper dives into the humanities. 

BRHS also proudly provides opportunities beyond the classroom for students to investigate, grow and develop their individual interests and talents. Student Council, academic clubs, athletic programs, and community volunteer groups are just a few examples of the vibrant student life at BRHS. With the safety and health of our students and staff leading all decisions, with accommodations, these extracurricular activities remain active in our school. While the pandemic has presented some limitations, I have enjoyed stepping back and admiring the fantastic solutions our students have come to on their own. Our students have felt frustrated, but they have not given in or given up. They continue to ask, “What can we do?” Our students have learned to focus on possible solutions and not to get stuck on the problem.

Reflection is an important part of education and personal growth. As we head out on winter vacation, many are relieved for the break. We have all worked hard through incredibly challenging times. We have fought to find a new normal and establish routine, but even the strongest of warriors and the bravest of champions needs a moment, a period of rest. We deserve the opportunity to recharge and brainstorm new strategies. The holiday season is a time to reflect. While it is a time of joy, many are mourning the loss of traditions and curious/nervous about what it will be like this year. I encourage everyone to reflect on how far we have come and to look for creative ways to connect with those people and experiences we have lost and make them part of the new experience in special ways.

Boothbay Region High School is not just surviving these challenging times; we continue to thrive as a community. As I reflect back on the first half of the school year, I would like to express how grateful I feel to be a part of the BRHS family. As the principal, I am thankful for the students that have worked so hard, the parents that have encouraged and supported their students and our staff, and the dedicated and hard working teachers who care about each and every child. There is no place that I would rather be. Thank you from the bottom or my heart for your help and support. 

Boothbay Region High School and the Boothbay Region Elementary School make up an amazing school family. The Boothbay Region is an incredibly special community. 

I wish you all a restful break. I will hold you in my heart over the holiday season and look with excitement to moving forward with you in the New Year.

Tricia Campbell

Principal Boothbay Region High School