Greetings BRHS Parents/Guardian(s):
As we have packed up the skeletons, bats and ghosts - toasted the last of the pumpkin seeds and prep for the pie, I wanted to reach out and say thank you. These have been challenging times and many are feeling overwhelmed and tired. I want to thank each of you for continuing to make good choices and working hard to keep yourself, family and our community healthy. Practicing social distancing, good hygiene, frequent hand washing, wearing masks, avoiding large gatherings adhering to health and safety protocols remains extremely important as we see a growing number of positive cases in Maine.
Our students and staff have worked hard to concentrate on their studies whether that is for in-person learning, distance learning or virtual academy all while focusing on protecting health and safety. All of this hard work is incredibly demanding and a break, and time with family is well deserved. The Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD is closed for the Thanksgiving holiday starting November 25th. It remains imperative we continue our efforts and commitment to follow health and safety guidelines. I hope this short stretch allows staff and students time to rest and refuel. I hope we all return and to classes on Monday, November 30th rejuvenated and ready to jump into December and the winter ahead. I could not be more impressed with the commitment demonstrated by our students, staff and families. Thank you.
The health and wellness of our staff, students and all of our community members are paramount. We have worked and remain ready for the multiple scenarios should we have to move from in-person instruction, distance, or hybrid. We are well positioned to be agile in every scenario. At BRHS we recognize that every aspect of school life is important and supports the education and development of the whole child. Our students need physical, social, and artistic outlets for their creativity and energy, especially during these challenging times. We continue looking at and planning opportunities for students following health and safety guidelines.
I am thankful for each of you. I feel so very thankful to be a part of such an AMAZING community! Expressing gratitude is good for the soul and it brings us together. Saying thank you builds and strengthens relationships, expands positive emotions and improves our overall health. We have the privilege of working with wonderful children, loving families, and supportive community members.
The BRHS family would like to wish all of you a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING and to say THANK YOU!
I thank you for your continued support,
Tricia Campbell, Principal, Boothbay Region High School