BRHS FAMILY: Starting Monday, September 14th
All students and staff must conduct a health screening each morning prior to getting onto buses and/or entering the school buildings.
We are excited to announce, to help to make things more manageable for busy folks, the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD, AOS 98 will be providing the new Ruvna Health Screening app to all to use to conduct and document these screenings.
This will begin on Monday morning, September 14th. Parents and staff will be getting an email and or text each school day.
This notification will provide you with a secure link. You should click on the link and fill out the screening tool. It’s our hope that this will simplify and speed up the health screening process for everyone.
Parents do need to complete these quick questions for each student. CSD student screenings (BRES, BRHS) will be sent out at 6:30 am, with a reminder for parents that haven’t completed it going out at 7:45 am.
Parents and staff can expect to be getting an email and or text message - (depending on what you have given to the school for your student’s contact as stored in Power School)
The email of text will have a unique secure link- you just click the link and it takes you to your assessment- its super quick- and depending on your responses it will tell you to come in to school or call your doctor.
Thank you!