The BRHS Guidance Office has been working overtime updating student schedules following the results of the Parent Commitment forms. Thank you everyone! The help and support we have received from parents and community has been amazing and is very appreciated!
Schedules for students participating in "in-person", Hybrid learning will be mailed home tomorrow. When looking at your previous schedule, the classes you had on BLUE days will be your Semester 1 classes. GOLD days will be your semester 2 classes.
Your new schedules will also identify your Hybrid cohort assignment. Cohort #1 attends in-person on Mondays and Thursday, Cohort #2 attends in-person on Tuesday and Fridays.
Student course enrollment numbers and max occupancy following a 6 ft separation between individuals for each of the physical classroom spaces, following the CDC guidelines and Maine Department of Education requirements for student and staff safety, determined the cohorts.
Students who have enrolled in the 100% Virtual Academy can expect to hear directly from the Guidance Department to review your schedule and steps to get started.