On Wednesday, August 12th, The Boothbay Region Consolidated School District School Committee voted to adopt the conceptual plan for reopening schools presented by Boothbay Region Elementary School Principal, Shawna Kurr, and Boothbay Region High School Principal, Tricia Campbell. The slide show that was presented to the Board is attached to this email. This plan has been designed with the ideals of safety, equity, flexibility, and excellence of instruction at its core while maintaining the Maine Department of Education’s (MDOE) expectation that local systems develop a plan for the three possible scenarios of Red, Yellow and Green, which is outlined in the attached and updated Setting Sail. At this time, Lincoln County Schools remain able to open in the green.
While the first reopening phase of Board approval is complete, our ad hoc committees now need to finalize the many details of planning that will be included in Student, Staff, and Distance Learning Handbooks. There will be a follow up Board meeting on August 26th to discuss and approve this work.
Also attached to this communication is a Frequently Asked Questions document that outlines specific questions we have received that we hope you will find useful. While we recognize there are many details left to be determined, know that we are swiftly engaging with all stakeholders to finalize and solidify all aspects of our reopening plans.
We need your help! Once you have read the attached documents (Setting Sail, FAQ, and the slide show from the Board meeting) we are asking you to complete the Parent Commitment Form. All parents/guardians are asked to complete the Parent Commitment Form on-line by Friday August 21st. The commitment you are being asked to make is which option (In-Person, Virtual Academy, or unenrolling and homeschooling your child) you are selecting for your child(ren) on September 8th. We are asking you to commit to your decision for the first quarter at BRES (through November 6th) and through the first semester at BRHS (through January 22nd). Once we know your enrollment decision, we will be able to identify scheduling, transportation, arrival/dismissal, cohorts for BRHS, and additional details to be included in our above mentioned Handbooks.
We understand how important it is for a quick turn around in gathering this information and getting additional details out to our community. Once details are approved by our Board, we will be hosting a Parent/Community/Caregiver Informational Night (date TBD) to share the details of our plans and answer additional questions.
We thank you for your continued support,
Tricia Campbell, Principal BRHS & Shawna Kurr, Principal BRES