Greetings BRHS/BRES Parent/Guardians(s):
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Maine Department of Education survey. Administration has been working hard researching school systems across the state and country, following the CDC guidelines and the Maine Department of Education for guidelines and updates regarding school reopening in the fall. As we look ahead, the Boothbay- Boothbay Harbor CSD Re-Opening Committee is meeting and will be sending out a short survey to staff, parents and students. We want to hear from you and ensure that your voices are represented.
The health and safety of your child(ren), staff and all our community members are paramount as we look ahead to fall. The primary role of the Reopening of Schools Advisory Committee is to assist the CSD Schools in identifying a plan for a safe, efficient, and equitable return to school. This plan will be needed to assist our schools with prevention, response, and recovery strategies to meet the changing conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the many variables that may shift over the coming weeks and months, schools will need a plan with multiple approaches and strategies that can be initiated independently or simultaneously, depending on need. This will include: a plan allowing students to return to school in buildings, a plan for distance learning, and a hybrid blended learning model comprising both distance and in-person education.
Given the ever-changing landscape presented by COVID-19, the 2020-21 school year could be a combination of all three learning plans at any given time. We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to provide quality education while also keeping our students, families, and staff safe. The Committee, consisting of school leaders, teachers, community members, parents, health and safety officials, district superintendent, and other experts, will work to produce an actionable framework based on the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control, Maine Emergency Management Association (MEMA) and both State and local health officials. The framework will address the physical, mental, social, and emotional considerations to reopen and manage our schools during this ongoing pandemic.
The plan will be developed following these principles:
*The health and safety, including social/emotional wellbeing, of students, educators, staff and our community, is paramount
*Maintain highly effective, student focused, educational and enrichment programming for all students
*Soliciting feedback and providing ongoing communication with all constituents as our plan develops is important for the success of our implementation plan
There has been enormous work behind the scenes since March 2020. We will continue to work and receive strategic input from key constituents (surveys of students, parents and staff) as well as experts from key professional organizations. As a community we are committed to the safety, health and education of all. We will continue to provide information and updates in the weeks to follow.
We thank you for your continued support,
Tricia Campbell; Principal BRHS & Shawna Kurr; Principal BRES