Greetings BRHS Parent/Guardian(s):
It has been inspiring to see the sunshine this week! It is hard to believe that Memorial Day weekend is this weekend. As Monday is a holiday, there is no Distance Learning/school on Monday 5/25. Classes and Quarter 4 work continues on Tuesday May 5/26 and it will be a “Gold” day.
Students should be working to complete their current Quarter 4 course load and work to earn their credits. Students should work to complete all of their schoolwork and have everything into their teachers by the end of the week 5/25. Teachers will be available to help students who are working to close out final and outstanding work the week of June 1st-5th. The CSD School Board voted on April 30th to end the 2019-2020 school year on June 5th.
Quarter 4 is a Pass or Incomplete. All students must complete the modified curriculum to complete the course and earn the credit (representing course completion). Our teachers are working hard to do all that they can to support student success. Please reach out if you have questions or if your student is struggling with the work in any way. The mental health and whole child wellness is far more important than any academic lesson we can present.
I have been incredibly impressed with how families, staff and students have collaborated and connected throughout this challenging time. We are a school community where learning is a conversation. BRHS teachers are teaching and available to students Monday-Friday 8 am-3 pm. If you have any questions, not sure who your child’s Advisor is, please contact BRHS Guidance Counselor Leanne Burnham (
Nothing will stop us from celebrating our seniors! We are not able to run our traditional ceremonies but we want to make memories that are unique and special to the Class of 2020! The lawn signs and banners are arriving and you will begin to see them going up around the community. We will have seniors come in and pick up yearbooks, one lawn signs each, and caps once the yearbooks arrive.
The Class of 2020, through student survey, have chosen to come together as a Class and celebrate with a full graduation ceremony at BRHS which will be broadcast live for parents and community members at home (on cable and Facebook). Graduation will be on June 5th at 2:00 pm. The ceremony will follow our traditional format with students in cap and gowns for the presentation of diploma and moving of tassel. There will be the Principal’s Welcome, the Valedictorian and Salutatorian sharing their speeches, as well as the Superintendent's address. We will have a photographer present to take a picture of each student receiving their diploma to make available to families after graduation and the broadcast will be recorded. Following the graduation, at 4:00 pm will be the Class of 2020 Community Celebration Parade. *More information on the parade to come.
Mr. Crocker will schedule seniors to come in Monday June 1st -Thursday June 4th at 8:00 am each day for traditional graduation practices. More information will follow. All participants must wear a mask and follow guidelines maintaining a 6ft. distance. Students will be receiving a communication from him shortly.
The rationale for this decision is to work within the restrictions set by the state at this time and focusing on student voice in the decision. In May, we cannot hold assemblies larger than 10 people (w/ 6 ft. distancing) and in June expected to be expanded and opened to less than 50 (w/6 ft. distancing). July and August are unknown at this time. We want to work within what we can do and focus on the positive- celebrating our graduates! We will remain open to the possibilities for additional celebrations in the future.
We want to do all that we can to make positive memories for our graduates!
Superintendent Laser continues to be in close communication with the Administrative Team and I will work to continue to update you as new information comes in and decisions are made.
My heart is with you, Tricia
Tricia Campbell BRHS Interim Principal