Greetings BRHS Parent/Guardian(s):
Just like we are proud of all of our students and teachers, we are incredibly proud of our parents and guardians!! You are strong. You are doing everything that you can. You are not alone. Hang in there!
Resiliency is key in these challenging times! Relationships and trust help to build resilience in our children. Teaching our children different strategies to navigate what can be overwhelming emotions will help them to develop the strength to rebound and move forward. Our children need our support now more than ever to learn to stay grounded and focused on what they can do (not what we can’t).
I find myself struggling and often need to stop and remind myself that this is temporary. Change, improvement and healing will come. While the cause of the current situation is out of my control, I can work to manage how I handle the daily challenges and demonstrate resilience for my kids and others.
I encourage you to share stories of how members of your family have demonstrated resilience with your children. Providing examples of obstacles and ups-and-downs that trusted family members would help them to know and believe they can and will overcome the challenges that are facing them today.
I have been trying to help my kids be in the moment. The big picture can be overwhelming. I also try to practice what I preach to my kids, “Focus on the solution, not the problem.” It is these exercises in resiliency that keep me healthy and strong. I make mistakes and am not successful every day, but I am resilient. I will continue to work to keep challenges and setbacks in perspective. I can and I will.
Looking ahead: On 4/27/20 we updated our plan below. All students received this notification and teachers worked to support the update. Distance Learning Plan: • Postings, replies, and work submitted will be asynchronous: Students may engage in learning on their own schedule, and will not be expected to complete assigned lessons during the school day hours. Teachers may provide real-time/synchronous opportunities as options for students. (If unavailable at scheduled time, all real-time opportunities are recorded and accessible for all students, any time) • Teachers will be available to provide support, answer emails and provide feedback during school hours. • As appropriate, teachers will provide students with an estimated amount of time for task completion and we encourage students or families to reach out via email with questions, or to let teachers know if the task is taking significantly longer than estimated or causing frustration. *Starting Monday 4/27/20 Teacher Prep 8-9 Daily Period 1: 9-9:55 Period 2: 10-10:55 Period 3: 11:11:55 Period 4: 1-1:55 Office Hours: 2-2:55 *Wednesdays will be BRHS staff PD time (2-3); Staff are not available on Wednesdays during this time.
Quarter 3 has ended and student’s grades are posted on Power School. If your student has an Incomplete they should be working with their teachers to complete the necessary requirements. If you have any questions on the work needed, please reach out to the classroom teacher directly. They are available and want to help all students to be successful in any way that they can.
Quarter 4 is a Pass or Incomplete. All students must complete the modified curriculum to complete the course and earn the credit (representing course completion). Our teachers are working hard to do all that they can to support student success. Please reach out if you have questions or if your student is struggling with the work in any way. The mental health and whole child wellness is far more important than any academic lesson we can present.
I have been incredibly impressed with how families, staff and students have collaborated and connected throughout this challenging time. We are a school community where learning is a conversation. BRHS teachers are teaching and available to students Monday-Friday 8 am-3 pm. If you have any questions, not sure who your child’s Advisor is, please contact BRHS Guidance Counselor Leanne Burnham (
The CSD School Board voted on April 30th to end the 2019-2020 school year on June 5th.
There are no Final Exams this semester. BRHS new, direct instruction for students will end on May 29th and the last week of school will be for work and project completion. Teachers will be available to support students complete their work.
We are working on graduation and plans to celebrate the Class of 2020. I will be sharing plans with the community in a separate post/email. Seniors and parents will be receiving regular emails from myself, Mr. Crocker and the Guidance Department. Superintendent Laser continues to be in close communication with the Administrative Team and I will work to continue to update you as new information comes in and decisions are made.
My heart is with you, Tricia
Tricia Campbell BRHS Interim Principal