This week is Teacher Appreciation Week. I speak as a parent, community member and administrator when I say, on behalf of all of us, THANK YOU TEACHERS!

We are very blessed at BRHS to have some the most talented and dedicated teachers working in our school. Words could never be enough but I want to let them know, how grateful we are for their passion and commitment to our children's growth and education!


❤️ Mrs. Campbell

"Teachers change lives. Being the right person at the right time may be enough to change a person's life forever. People are constantly changing. Whether for the good or for the bad, we do not stay the same. Having a positive influence in the form of a teacher can make or break a human being. Years after we are out of school, we remember the teachers that changed our lives. In most cases these may have been the first people that believed in us. That experience of having an authority figure believe that we could succeed carries us forever."

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems....