Greetings BRHS Parent/Guardian(s):
During these challenging times, I have reminded myself that every day in our lives we are presented with a number of opportunities to learn by doing, to build strong habits and aim high. Philosopher Aristotle wrote, “We learn by doing [We] become builders by building . . . “.
Through this experience I have learned not to fear the future, but to take each moment and look forward with optimism for what is to come. I have been inspired by the commitment to our students and families shown by our staff and teachers. I am in awe of the talent and professionalism they have demonstrated. I am grateful for the support and collaboration I have received from each of them, our families and community!
We are all learning by doing, the school and families together. We need to remind ourselves that it is ok to not be awesome at this. This is not our normal. It is ok that my house is messy, the laundry not all done, my daughter is waiting for me to help with her schoolwork and the dog still needs a bath. Our children are grieving their norms, their freedoms. We must support and honor that. We cannot expect them to just jump into their new format of learning with 100% confidence and quickly establish new routines. They are mourning, unsure and at times, scared. That is normal.
Courage does not look the same in all situations and we are not defined by our first reaction. We must give ourselves time. We must give our children time. The mental health and whole child wellness is far more important than any academic lesson we can present. Reach out for help and we will be here.
“When I was a boy I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping’” –Mr. Rogers
We are a school community where learning is a conversation. We want to connect and engage. Teachers and students at BRHS are closing out Quarter 3 on Tuesday, April 7th. All BRHS students should be actively engaged and participating in their remote learning at this time. Semester 2 courses continue into Quarter 4, so there should be no changes to student schedules at this time.
BRHS teachers are teaching and available to students Monday-Friday 8 am-3 pm. If you have any questions, not sure who your child’s Advisor is, please contact BRHS Guidance Counselor Leanne Burnham ( At this time, all AOS 98 schools are closed through May 1st. AOS 98 WILL BE recognizing April Vacation. There will be NO expectation for Distance Learning during April Break (April 20-24th). AOS 98 Staff, Students, Teachers and Families all deserve a break and an opportunity to stop, reflect and renew! We will maintain the food security for all of our students. Lunch service will continue during school vacation week.
The senior parent meeting scheduled for April 2nd has been postponed until a future date that has yet to be determined. Project Graduation is on hold as well. No decisions have been made at this time. Though it may not be at the previously scheduled time, or look as it has in the past, we will celebrate and honor our graduating seniors. Superintendent Laser continues to be in close communication with the Administrative Team. I will continue to update you as information comes in and decisions are made.
Please remember, it is ok not know all the answers and not do everything on the list today. Give yourself a break and know we are in this together. We understand and we want to help.
My heart is with you,
Tricia Campbell
BRHS Interim Principal