Dear Boothbay Region High School Family,
The Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD joins the rest of the Boothbay Region and the state of Maine in breathing an emotional collective sigh of relief that the search for the person responsible for taking the lives of 18 innocent people and injuring 13 additional ones is over. This ending does not restore the losses of the families whose loved ones were taken. However, it does allow the beginning of the process of grieving, and eventually, healing.
We could not be more proud to call Maine our home. While it continues to be one of the safest places in the nation, we now understand that we are not immune to extreme acts of violence that are a cancer in our modern day society. In the days ahead, we will continue to process what has happened. We also need to continue to hold our loved ones close, and support each other.
We will be inviting BRHS students to come together this week to participate in a collaborative mural project to show support for Lewiston - to honor the lives lost in the mass shooting, recognize the impact on our community, express gratitude for first responders and/or create something that shows what Maine means to them.
It is my greatest wish that you will take comfort in one another and in the strength of community that makes Boothbay Region High School and the state of Maine so special.
With great love and care,
Dr. Campbell
Principal BRHS